Leadership in Environmental Excellence

Golden Hammer Awards 2023 | St. Thomas & Elgin Home Builders' Association


This award recognizes the Home Builder or Renovator that sets the standard for the rest of the industry as a leader in Environmental Responsibility. Leadership in improving the environment through energy efficient building design and techniques, public education, waste management, community service and support of the building industry will all be considered.


Leadership in Environmental Excellence 

Award Objective:

This award recognizes the Home Builder or Renovator that sets the standard for the rest of the industry as a leader in Environmental Responsibility. Leadership in improving the environment through energy efficient building design and techniques, public education, waste management, community service and support of the building industry will all be considered. 

Judging Criteria:

•     Environmentally Responsible Building Design & Technique:

•     Responsible Waste Management Strategies

•     Consumer Education & Community Service

•        “Green” Leadership within Industry

•        Support of the Industry 

(Limit of one (1) entry for this category)

Criterion Weight
Environmentally Responsible Building Design & Technique: 20.0%
Responsible Waste Management Strategies: 20.0%
Consumer Education: 10.0%
Community Service: 10.0%
“Green” Leadership Within the Industry: 20.0%
Support of the Industry: 20.0%